CS 460

Professor: Randy Appleton rappleto@nmu.edu
Times: Mon,Wed,Thr,Fri at 3pm.

Mon Jan 13 --
Wed Jan 15 -- More joins. Review insert and create table and select. Subqueries. limit statement. Work on This problem in pairs.
Fri Jan 17 -- Database decomposition. transactions. Terminology and composition and database optimization.
Mon Jan 22 -- Mon Jan 27 -- Make me a page that prints from 1 ... N. Make me a page that shows N hearts. Make me a function that tells if something is prime.
Fri Jan 31 -- Make the web site on the board. (Arrays).
Mon Feb 3 -- Fix errors from Friday. Cookies. Scope of variables. PHP Objects.
Web feb 5 --
Constructors and public and inheritance and scope and static and abstract and interface and getters/setters.
Fri Feb 7 -- Databases in the PHP. Which style to choose. Database to object. Bobby tables. mysqli_real_escape_string. real easy intro. commit and rollback. execute examples.
Mon Feb 10 -- Go over sorted table example. Remind about sql injection atacks. Collect (1) Party planner, (2) object example, and (3) Dollar object example.
Wed Feb 12 -- Logins.
Fri Feb 14 -- ValentinesLogin assignment.
Mon Feb 17 -- Pagerank. Search engine optimization. Overstock was bad. robots.txt. Adwords.
Wed Feb 19 -- Review for midterm.
Friday Feb 21 -- Midterm! (old midterm, somewhat relevant)
Mon Feb 24 -- Go over midterm. Eek. Moving data around web pages.
Wed Feb 26 -- New assigment. How to upload a file into the db. How to show a file. Content-type.. benchmark.
Fri Feb 28 -- Lab day.
Mon Mar 10 -- Lab day. Turn in your picture DB.
Wed Mar 12 -- AJAX.Obfuscater. Do this.
Mon Mar 16 -- Bad things about AJAX AJAX tutorial. AJAX assignment How to do rlike. Comparing Image Formats. SVG. SVG examples.
Wed Mar 18 -- MakeMap Assignment. How to make the map. How to do imagemaps. How to make a picture. How to convert lat+long into a map.
Mon Apr 7 -- Regex classwork.
Mon Apr 9 -- Pattern Modifiers. Preg_split. preg_match. preg_replace. preg_grep. preg_split.< a href=http://us1.php.net/manual/en/function.fopen.php>fopen and other file stuff.
Fri Apr 11 -- Last Assignment.
Wed Apr 16 -- CSS Menus. Page compression plusses and minuses. Buffering output. Using last-modified. Memcached. The PHP config file.
Mon Apr 21 -- Review for the final.
Wed Apr 23 -- Sample test
Fri Apr 25 -- Awesome talk