Mon Aug 28 -- Go over the syllabus.
Wed Aug 30 -- HTML. Can you do forms and multimedia and CSS?
Fri Sep 1 -- SQL. An easy example. Examples drawn from The Nations Database.
Mon Sep 4 -- No class.
Wed Sep 7 -- No Class.
Fri Sep 9 -- SQL practice.
Mon Sep 11 -- SQL types and SQL operators.
Wed Sep 13 -- Database design. Prepare for minitest.
Fri Sep 15 -- SQL minitest just like this one.
Mon Sep 18 -- Perl!!!!!.
Wed Sep 20 -- A small perl/cgi example.
Mon Sep 25 -- A blog assignment and Exec.
Wed Sep 27 -- Perl functions and @_ and $_.
Thu Sep 28 -- Perl objects and Perl extras.
Fri Sep 29 -- More objects.
Mon Oct 2 -- Cool Music Video. DBI. The Dollar and DBI Assignments.
Wed Oct 4 -- Editing the Religions table.
Fri Oct 6 -- Perl regual expressions and More Regex.
Fri Oct 6 -- use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); Regexp again.
Mon Oct 9 -- How to read a file from the client and Lots of info on the subject and my code and Binary data in perl.
Tue Oct 10 -- Assignment 2 due.
Wed Oct 11 -- Go over quiz. Review new assignment. Downloading a web page in perl (more).
Mon Oct 16 -- Data scraping with reel data. Problem data. Copied bad data. (With problems). Also this weirdness.
Wed Oct 18 -- The enviornment in perl. Cookies. Session variables.
Wed Oct 25 -- Go over test. PHP.
Fri Oct 27 -- FIX THE DANG TEST!!!!!. More PHP (maybe).
Mon Oct 30 -- Tracker asignment and Getting the referer and Operators and Functions and images and Databases. Wed Nov 1 -- Picture/Db example
Fri Nov 3 -- group by. Arrays in PHP. Objects in php.
Mon Nov 6 -- Database objects.
Mon Nov 13 - The next map quiz assignment.
Fri Nov 17 -- Review database operations. How to draw nations in php. How to scale lat-long to x-y. random numbers in php. Passing arrays in php (especially x,y arrays). Imagemaps in HTML (and with javascript) popup boxes.
Mon Nov 27 -- Regex in PHP. Parsing a web page in PHP.
Wed Nov 29 -- The last assignment.. A puzzle. Javascript example and example 2.
Fri Dec 1 -- More Javascript.
Fri Dec 7 -- A final exam example and review sheet.

-- Final HTML day. HTML and CSS QUIZ.y Start SQL.
-- Perl Basics.
-- A cool web site and mysql performance and writing a performance monitor and other exec examples.
-- Split and associative arrays and Looking up a user in perl and counters.
-- Files and Perl and CGI and Cookies.
-- More Perl Objects!!!.
-- Google Bombs!!!.
-- Lab Day.
-- Google Cheats! and PHP.
-- Mandel.
-- PHP and regular expressionsand the regular expression tester.
-- The CIA World Factbook and ScreenScrape Assignment.
-- Image maps.
-- Cookies in PHP and Objects and MD5 and PHP Extras and Arrays.
-- Anagram Assignment.
-- MySQL in C++. Caching PHP scripts.
-- CGI-C and Apache and .htaccess.