CS 465

Professor: Randy Appleton rappleto@nmu.edu

Mon Aug 24 --

Wed Aug 26 – Make a personal database. Types. More joins. Review insert and create table and select. Subqueries. limit statement. Work on This problem in pairs.
Fri Aug 29 -- Database decomposition. transactions. Terminology and composition and database optimization.
Mon Aug 31 -- Quiz. You can practice quiz (with answers).
Fri Sep 4 – http://euclid.nmu.edu/~rappleto/Classes/CS465/Assignments/php-party-planner.html
Wed Sep 9 -- Verifying data using HTML types and javascript (javascript examples, JS error notifier) and using PHP (php's is_numeric). Tradeoffs for each.
Fri Sep 11 -- PHP Scope and Objects. Constructors. Public, private, and protected. Inheritance. Getters and Setters.
Mon Sep 14 -- Session variables. PHP and Databases. How to insert, delete, make tables, anything. (Examples). Practice with databases.
Wed Sep 16 –- Logging in.
Fri Sep 18 -- Does Location hide anything? Would this be better with session variables. Making a table of users. Projects? (pictures, secret texts, message boards, themes, longblobs, kc chiefs).
Wed Sep 23 -- The project. Regular Expression Cheat Sheet. PHP Regular Expressions.Patterns to write.
Fri Oct 2nd -- escapeshellargs and backtics. exiftool examples. Other ways to run a process. Spell checking (two letter version). Screen Scraper. Wed Oct 21 -- Python tutorial.
Mon Oct 26 -- Python including count letters and Fractions and vowels and passwords and ftp and sqroot and primes. Files.
Wed Oct 28 -- Bottle! https://pypi.python.org/pypi/mysqlclient http://stackoverflow.com/questions/423379/using-global-variables-in-a-function-other-than-the-one-that-created-them http://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/python_database_access.htm
Mon Nov 30 -- XSS Wiki and XSS tutorial and Django assignment. Law.
Fri Dec 4 -- Final review and final from 2012.