One Point Part numbers have an upper case letter, a hyphen, and then a four digit number. Good ----- A-1234 C-4013 F-0022 BAD ------ AB-1234 C1234 D-123 E-FGHI J-12 4 One Point An Even number is a series of digits that ends in a 2,4,6,8, or 0. Good --------- 2 4 6 8 0 10 12 66 213456732158 234123410 Bad --------------- 1 3 5 7 9 21341 2345235 2345233 13 41 Two Points Names of poems in my book are always a series of one or more words. Each word has only a capital letter, followed by zero or more lower case letters. Good ------ I I Love I Love Cheese I Love Cheese A I Love Cheese A Lot Regular Expressions Make Me So Happy I Could Cry Bad ------------ i I love I Cost $1.99 O'Learies Cow Burned Chicago Three Points Fraction Math Good ---------- 1/2 1/2 + 1/3 10/11 10/11 + 3/4 - 9/7 * 6/12 6/8 * 2/3 - 10/1 + 4/5 * 3/7 + 9/14 - 2/2 Bad ----------- 1 1/ /2 10/11 3/4 + 5/6 10/11 + 3/4 + + 5/6 3/4 + /2 4/5 - 2/ 4/5 - 3 7 - 2/2