- Database basics
- What is a database, table, row, column
- Database types for money, dates, names, picture, sound
- The ACID properties
- Atomic -- The transaction runs completely or not at all
- Consistent -- Each transaction moves from one consistent state
to another
- Independent -- Every transaction runs as if it were the only one
on the system
- Durable -- Data changes survive hardware and software failure.
- Abort
- Know how many answers a query will return
- Insert into movies values ('12', "Die Hard");
- Select movies.title, actors.name, actor.hometown from movies, actors
where movies.actor = actors.name and movies.bodycount >10 order actors.name
limit 1;
- Delete from movies where bodycount < 3;
- The architecture of DBI and DBD
- The DBI commands
- connect
- execute
- do
- fetch....
- Perl
- What kinds of variables get a $, a @, or a %
- What is a associative array
- Basic perl syntax
- Variable scope
- Using the 'die' command
- Opening files and commands (there are two ways to open commands)
- Reading input from a file while ($line = <FILE>) ...
- Perl functions
- Declaring your functions
- using shift
- Making local variables my($l1, $l2, @l3)
- Perl objects
- Constructors with 'bless'
- Shifting in 'self'
- Making a member variable for a class
- Web Architecture (HTTP)
- What is a client
- What is a server
- What is a cache
- When are things cached
- Where are cookies stored (and what are cookies)
- Who initiats transactions
- What goes in the HTTP header
- Mime types
- Need <HTML>, <HEAD>, <BODY> tags
- <FORM action=> lines
- <INPUT TYPE=> tags for radio buttons, text areas, submit buttons
and others (slider bars???)
- How to make a table
- How to include a picture