CS 460 -- A Perl of a Test

1) What does this program do?

    print "Status: 200 OK\nContent-type:  text/html\n\n";
    print "A Page about Cookies<br>\n";
    print "Set-Cookie: foo=bar; path=/students; expires Mon, 09-Dec-2002 13:46:00 GMT"

10) If someone sets the cookie as shown below.  Which CGI programs can access the cookie?  Which hosts and which cgi programs?
    "Set-Cookie: foo=bar; path=/students; expires Mon, 09-Dec-2008 13:46:00 GMT"

11) Write me perl code that drops the table "Hostess" from the database "Food".

100) Write me a perl program that counts the number of lines in the file "chip"?

101) What does this code do?  (Hint:  this might be tricky)
print foo(3);
    sub foo {
        $a = shift;
        if ($a == 1) { return 1; }
        else { $a * foo($a-1) }


110) What is the minimum number of shift's the method must do to read the last argument to the call below?

111) Which of the input strings below is matched by the regular expression /^ab*.*a$/
    aa aba abba abababa abababab

1000) Write me a function in perl that returns the sum of it's two arguments.

1001) What does this program print?
    use IT;
    it = IT->new();
    $y = 2;
package IT;
    sub new {
         my($class) = shift;
         bless { $x => 0 }, $class;
    sub twinky {
          my($self) = shift;
          $y = 12;
          $self->{"x"} = 17;
    sub dingdog {
          my($self) = shift;
          print $self->{"x"} . " = $y\n";

1010) Write me a quick CGI program in Perl that prints the value of a cookie named "peanutbutter".

==========Choose an two of the following three========

Write me a program that prints every word with two vowels in a row in /usr/share/dict/words.  Be careful to count both upper and lower case letters.  'Y' counts as a vowel.  Two points. 

Write me a CGI script that lists who's logged in.  Hint:  The command to tell who's logged in is "w".

# Below is a program in Perl that asks for Doctors ages.  It uses a Max object to find the maximum of the doctor's age.  Write that object.  Show me the program working.  You can slightly modify the code below if you need to.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$a = Max->new();
print "Enter a doctor's age, or ^D to quit\n";
while($line = <STDIN>) {
print "The max age is :";
print $a->getMax();
print " and that's old!\n";