Randy Appleton
2214 JXJ
CS465 is a class designed to teach students how to run programs that recieve input and output from the Web, and to put computerized databases onto the web. This means placing real live programs and databases, with data that might change on the fly, and with search capabilities, into an HTML format.
The class will cover
Basic web achitecture
Review the basics
Caching (and defeating it)
Database concepts, including
Definitions of tables and relations, rows, fields, etc.
Relational algebra
SQL statements like SELECT, CREATE, etc.
(Maybe) Data normalization
PHP Syntax
PHP and databases
Making images and pictures in PHP
AJAX (live updates to web pages)
Bottle (A Python based web framework)
Basic syntax
Validating forms using Javascript
Fancy web graphic tricks using Javascript
Each section will count equally towards your grade. Within
each section there will be one small project and one large project
and one written test. The projects and the test count equally.
. It IS fair game for tests to refer to previous material.
For example, it is quite reasonable that the PHP test might require
SQL knowledge.
If you
have a need for disability-related accommodations or services, please
inform the Coordinator of Disability Services in the Disability
Services Office at 1104 of the University Center (227-1700; TTY
227-1543). Reasonable and effective accommodations and services
will be provided to students if requests are made in a timely manner,
with appropriate documentation, in accordance with federal, state and
University guidelines