Make a script in bash that deletes a user. It must * (20 points) Write the assignment in both shell and some other language. * (10 points) Delete the user from /etc/passwd * (10 points) Delete the user from /etc/group * (10 points) Delete the user from /etc/shadow * (10 points) Delete the user from /etc/gshadow * (5 points) Delete the user from /home * (5 points) Mark as not readable/writeable/executable) the user from /home * (5 points) Record the password so the user can be restored * (5 points) Record the group membership so the user can be restored * (5 points) Complain and abort if the user-id is less than 1000 * (5 points) Uses at least one function with at least one argument * (5 points) Accesses something on the command line * (1 point) Have a help message triggered by -h or --help * (-5 points) Per day after Wed Jan 19th at 4pm. The most you can get is 60 points! The most you can get is 60 points! The most you can get is 60 points! The most you can get is 60 points! The most you can get is 60 points! Your script should be resistant to any errors that occur. * Username not given on the command line * The user does not exist * Not run as root * Cannot modify one of the files Missing file Corrupt file Read only file system Disk full