Normal Proxy
	- Some clients, infinite servers
Reverse proxy 
	- Infinite clients, some servers
Transparent Cache
	- Might be cheating
	- Might ease admin burden, like at a school
	- Makes browser->proxy authentication impossible

Squid can go all these ways, at the same time.
Using a cache, it looks like you have one busy client.  Anyone limiting by IP will be wrong.  This does not break cookies.

What can you cache
	Anything except
	Note private, no-cache, age, no-store, private

	- Can cache a cache
	- Normally upper caches should be bigger
	- There is ICP and HTCP to coordinate caching
		HTCP is better
		HTCP sends full headers, so fewer cache misses
		Getting from sibling/parent is a 'near miss'

Squid Software
	Install with apt-get install squid
	Simple test:  telnet localhost 3128
	Debug with Firefox, browse with chrome
	Can check with find /var/spool/squid -type f
	Note permissions on /var/spool/squid
	Note type of files with file /var/spool/squid/*/*/*
	Weird on
	Logs at /var/log/squid.  These are private!
	Configure conf file at /etc/squid/squid.conf
	Ubuntu is version 2.7.  By 3.1, default is RAM only caching.  Use cache_dir to fix.
	To see hits, turn off browser caching!!!!!  Then tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log

Things to do:
	Set up squid.  It should cache for localhost
	It should also cache for any computer on the local subnets.
	It should provide stats using the cgi program.
	It should not cache
        It should have a peer cache.
	It works with Dans guardian.
	IPTables blocks access to port 80 not through the cache.