Security Enforcing better passwords Crack PAM Checking for mis-set permissions Auto-package-updates (auto-running update-manager) Users Finding inactive users File system quotas Disabling and enabling accounts Samba on a per-user basis MYSQL Setting up Mysqladmin Permissions Memcached Video/Audio/Image Manipulation Convert a mp4 into a mpg or a dvd Convert a wma into a mp3 Rescale an image Extract a frame from a dvd Extract a scene from a dvd Window Managers Network Stuff Firewalls IP Tables Packet sniffing Traffic shaping SNMP Setting up a DNS server Email Sending email to a deamon Quotas Email lists Spamassassin PGP Signing Backups Cron and tar rsync backup software Cloud Computing and rocks?? Scripting Advanced Find Advanced Shell programming Logging The log deamon Searching gigantic log for patterns Getting the log into a database Nagios Web stuff Varnish SQUID Web content filtering Caching Advanced Apache Virtual hosts Custom logging Web stats nginx Manifest HTML5 Upstart DBUS Distributed Users LDAP Kerberos Booting as USB stick Static Binary Analysis Cupcakes provided free of charge every Friday by Randy Appleton himself.