The First Day Lession

  1. What is this class
    1. We write device drivers
    2. We learn about other parts of the kernel
      1. How to allocate memory
      2. What happens when you run out of memory
      3. What parts of a kernel can sleep, and which parts cannot
  2. Syllabus stuff
    1. I expect of my students
      1. Already can program in C
      2. Are reasonably good programmers
      3. Can learn semi-independently
      4. Will help other students
      5. No cheating!!!!
    2. I offer
      1. Fun atmosphere
      2. Framework around which to learn
    3. Grades
      1. I'm not sure, so I might change this scheme
      2. 1/4 Tests, 1/4 Final Project, 1/4 Programs, 1/4 Quizes
      3. Not 1/3 A,s 1/3 B's, and 1/3 Cs, but something reasonably close, modified by how I think you all are doing