List of list methods: List tutorial and examples: More serious tutorial: How less than works for lists: 1) Make me a list of the numbers 1...10. Call it a. 2) Make me a list of the even numbers 1 .. 50. Then add a 5. Use a loop and append(). Call it b. 3) Using a LIST COMPREHENSION, make me a list evens 1 .. 50. Example code squares = [x**2 for x in range(1,10)] odd_squares = [x**2 for x in range(1,10) if x % 2 == 1] print(squares) # does not really help print(list(squares)) # probably what you want. 4) Compute the a+b. 5) How many elements are in a+b? Don't count by hand, use code. 6) How many times does a+b include a 5? Write code, don't just count by hand. YOU MUST USE AN IF AND A LOOP. 7) How many times does a+b include a 5? Use a function. YOu may only have one line of code. 8) Compute the sum of all the elements of a. 9) Change the 3rd element of a to be a 99. Print the result. 10) Using slices and NO LOOPS, print the 3rd thru 5th elements of a. 11) Using slices and NO LOOPS, print the last two elements of a. Your slice should have at least one negative index. 12) Using a loop make me a list of the squares 1..100. It should be 1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64. 13) What is the difference between a+b a.insert(b,0) a.extend(b) Just print three sentences (or put it in comments)