Mon Aug 28 -- Meet your neighbors. Why Python. Monty Python Jokes. How to turn in code. Cheating. Flying. Download Python 3. Installing the IDE PyCharm. The windows firewall. Basic Python.
Wed Aug 30 -- Loops!!! and Lists.
Thr Aug 31 -- a, b = b, a. Else in for loops.. Tuples. Easy Python functions. Arguments are pass by reference with complications. Recursion
Wed Sep 6 -- Fake quiz. Objects.
Thr Sep 7 -- Operator overloading python. #2. Tests for equality. Fraction example.
Fri Sep 8 -- Do this.
Mon Sep 11 -- lru_cache (show fib) and total_ordering (show fraction2). Random. Dictionaries.
Wed Sep 13 -- CountedSet Assignment. for x in iter.items(): Python counter overriding []. Readin a url Split. byte like objetcs Sorting a list (dictionaries cannot be sorted!!)
Thr Sep 14 -- Go over HW. Do the FiveThings project.
Fri Sep 15 -- *args and **kwargs. function annotations. Comparing data structures. import lines.
Mon Sep 18 -- Easy generator and iteratorCard Iterators Reverse iterator and Work to do
Wed Sep 20 -- QUIZ on Operator Overloading.
Thr Sep 21 -- Answers to quiz. Talk about __iadd__. Go over SortedSet. Show my there is a second iterator class.
Mon Sep 25 -- Bytes vs strings in Python3 and Python2. File I/O. List of methods for i/o. Example read a byte code. Wed Sep 27 -- Files in Python. Note walk.o.spath in Python.
Mon Oct 2 -- Regex in python. Split. Phone nunber tester or spell checker or web page translator.
Wed Oct 4 -- More lists and files in python. isdir and set and list difference. zip.
Wed Oct 11 -- Simple Python3 web server. a HTTP server. http.server docs. Fix to the docs for old Python. A bad server with a bug.
Thr Oct 12 -- RESTful and CRUD
Mon Oct 16 -- Install PyQT5. PyQt5 tutorial.
Mon Oct 23 -- Do the two layouts on the board..
Wed Oct 25 -- A Dictionary program. QLineEdit QTreeWidget QTreeView QTreeView QTreeview with model QTreeWidget vs QTreeModel
Wed Nov 1 -- Go over quiz. Python tips. More python tips. Thr Nov 2 -- NUmpy tutorial. Boradcasting!. numpy.sum(). numpy.argmin(). Why extra comma.
Mon Nov 13 -- Argmin pdist scipy-images making your own types in numpy.Numpy sort.Data fitting with numpy. Polynomial class in numpy.
Wed Nov 15 -- Correlations and fitting models and politic.
Mon Nov 27 -- Work day
Wed Nov 29 -- Install pillow. Image processing in numpy and python
Thr Nov 30 -- Play day with image processing
Fri Dec 1 -- Do eight of these.
Mon Dec 4 --Neural Networks in Python NN #2 NN done raw Man page.
Wed Dec 6 -- Final Exam Review. COURSE EVAL!!!
Thr Dec 7 -- Review for the final exam.
Fri Dec 8 -- Catch up day.