1) I want to have a single line item where I can enter a word or number. What type of widget should I use? 2) I have a QHBoxLayout. The first thing I add to it goes in the top in the bottomn on the left on the right 3) (Yes/No) One can make a subclass of QButton to change the behavior of QButton. It is possible and not to hard to subclass a QButton. 4) What is the EXACT name of the dialog box you would use to get a single file name to open the file and read it? Spelling and capitalization count. 5) (Agree/Disagree) It is reasonable and useful to put a layout inside another layout. 6) I want to make the pattern of buttons shown on the board. What is the easiest layout I might use to achive that pattern. 7) (True/False) Only QMainWindows can have menu bars. QWidgets cannot. 8) The most hipster type of headware is? 9) I have a possibly infinite list of items to show the viewer (e.g. a list of primes). Should I use a QTreeWidget or a QTreeView? 10-15) Make the small program shown on the board. - (3 pts) The layout is right - (3 pts) When I type text, the label changes. 16) Implement your choice of Microsoft Office product: word, excel, or powerpoint. 17) True/False: 3 is less than 2 numerically.