In the throes of academic stress, a University of Michigan student pounded out an ultraviolent fantasy featuring one of his classmates, to whom he had never spoken. He posted the story to where it was discovered by an alumnus, a lawyer in Moscow. Officials at the school were informed, and Joe Baker, 20, has been suspended from school, as the FBI bring him to trial for violating federal obscenity laws.
The lines have been drawn - protecting the privacy of a woman, and her right not to be the subject of violent tales, versus free speech - the right of Joe to use any name, or subject, for a story of his choice.
The End
US District Judge Avern Cohn threw out federal charges against Jake Baker. The judge's ruling was in response to a motion filed by Douglas Mullkoff, Baker's lawyer, to dismiss the charges of transmitting interstate threats on the grounds that Baker's email is protected free speech. Cohn ruled that the government failed to show intent to carry out a threat, which is required for conviction.
Hey. Mom, where'd
Liz go?
That was Pete. Pete was my age. Liz is his older sister. We needed to find out where she was. See, we'd got to talking earlier. We were in his room, watching some porno flicks with the volume turned down, discussing girls. You see, Pete and I are a lot a like. At only sixteen each, were far we're mature for our age. We both have to shave. We're rejected by the rest of our peers, so we pal around together. We're share very similar tastes, in all matters. |