
Defamation is any comment that holds a person or a company up to scorn, ridicule or contempt; injures them or their business; or accuses them of a crime.

Defences against Defemation

Truth: Truth is the fireproof defense against defamation. You are permitted to say anything that is true, regardless of how bad it makes a company look.

Opinion So you can have an opinion, and it does not have to be correct. But to be protected, your opinion has to be based on facts, at least loosely.

Predictions Likewise, forecasts are usually protected, because it is impossible to say whether a prediction is true or false at the time it is made.

Exaggeration You also enjoy an exemption for tall tales, known as "rhetorical hyperbole."
Public figures You also get extra protection when you say negative things about a "public figure." To win a libel suit, a public figure has the additional burden of proving that a statement was made with malice.

But Where

Where on the internet does defemation take place?  Courts hold it takes place EVERYWHERE, so the plaintiff can sue ANYWHERE the laws are best for the plaintiff.  Like England.^79947@.ee7ff29