First Amendment Legislation
               H.R. 1180 - Family-Friendly Internet Access Act
               H.R. 774 - Internet Freedom and Child Protection Act
Junk Email Legislation
                S. 875 - Electronic Mailbox Protection Act
                S. 771 - Unsolicited Commercial Electronic Mail Choice Act
                H.R. 1748 - Netizens Protection Act
                H.R. 2368 - Data Privacy Act of 1997 
                H.R. 1331 - Social Security Information Safeguards Act 
                H.R. 1287 - Social Security On-line Privacy Protection Act
                H.R. 1964 - Communications Privacy and Consumer Empowerment Act 
                H.R. 98 - Consumer Internet Privacy Protection Act
                H.R. 1367 - Federal Internet Privacy Protection Act
Election Information on the Internet
                H.R. 965 - Citizen Legislature and Political Freedom Act 
                H.R. 1780 - Voter Empowerment Act
                H.R. 2074 - Electronic Campaign Filing and Disclosure Act
                H.R. 653 - Internet Election Information Act 
                S. 976 - Common Sense Campaign Reform Act
Taxation legislation
                H.R. 1054 - Internet Tax Freedom Act 
                H.R. 995 - Tax-Free Internet Act
                S. 442 - The Internet Tax Freedom Act
Miscellaneous Internet-related legislation
                S. 474 - The Internet Gambling Prohibition Act