AfterNoon's Position on Freedom of Expression and Online Services

                                  Although large online services like AOL are private organizations, their
                                  size and structure is such that they have created a "public" space --
                                  virtual in this case, not physical. In a public place -- an airport,
                                  the public space in the private IBM building in Manhattan -- free
                                  speech is protected by the First Amendment. What we need is a new
                                  legal definition of what constitutes public and private space.

                                  Lawyers don't yet see a legal basis to a challenge to censorship on online
                                  services because such services are private enterprises. But what is
                                  happening in the society at large is an increasing intrusion of private
                                  space into public space -- the gated communities, the private guards, the
                                  malls and the rest. As a result, there is a net loss of the physical,
                                  psychological and electronic areas available to free speech, and
                                  consequently a threat to public life itself. If you sell off the Commons --
                                  where free speech takes place -- then you have decreased effective
                                  access to free speech, even though the Bill of Rights still
                                  theoretically protects it. You can still say whatever you want -- there is
                                  just no place to say it where anyone else can hear you. So it is with
                                  cyberspace (we submit that it is no accident that the word "cyberspace"
                                  has come into common parlance to describe transactions on the Internet
                                  and the large online services); you cannot decrease the overall
                                  "availability area" without a corresponding erosion of free speech.

                                  In AfterNoon's opinion, cyberspace should be considered public
                                  space -- you may need the services of a private company to gain
                                  access to it, but the company's control over its contents should be
                                  limited strictly to matters dictated by technical necessity, and their
                                  responsibility for its contents should be limited simply to
                                  seeing that what their clients say is transmitted or stored or displayed.
                                  The clients should be responsible for paying the company for its services,
                                  and for obeying the existing laws regarding libel, intellectual property,
                                  obscenity, etc.

                                  Stephen Williamson
                                  William Timberman
                                  editors of AfterNoon