Controlling Potentially Harmful Speech
Ban it with criminal penalties (It's bad or immoral)
Communications Decency Act
Questionable constitutionally
Remove it with civil penalties (It's harmful)
Canada and Massachusetts porn laws
Questionable constitutionally
Regulate it away with licensing requirements (It's harmful
but complex)
FCC regulates TV
InterNIC regulates domain names
Regulate access by rating (Divide the net into sections)
Theaters and video stores fo this
TV moving in this direction
Requires new software, and sites to be rated.
Move to a proprietary environment (Let capitalism solve this)
AOL already provides this (somewhat).
There is only on such choice (AOL).
Make parents do it (Not a state function)
Tools are quite helpful
Many parents reject this
Don't (Free speech always!)
Allows exposure to harmful material
Does not impinge in any way on free speech