Table Dating p1 p2 ------------ Brad Pitt -- Jennifer Anison John Mayer -- Jenifer Anison Brad Pitt -- Angelina Jolie John Mayer -- Jessica Simpson Ben Aflec -- Jennifer Lopez Ben Aflec -- Jennifer Garner Puff Daddy -- Jennifer Lopez Table nice p1 p2 ---------- Brad Pitt -- Nice John Mayer -- Jerk Ben Aflec -- Jerk Puff Daddy -- Nice Jennifer Lopez -- Jerk Jennifer Garner -- Nice 1) Insert someone not in this room into the nice table. The choices are always "Nice" or "Jerk". 2) Who's nice Brad Pitt, Puff Daddy, Jennifer Garner 3) Who is alphabetically first among the jerks? Ben Aflec 4) Who dated Jennifer Anison Brad Pitt, John Mayer 5) How many people did Ben Aflec date? 2 6) Who from dating's p2 has dated a jerk? Jennifer Anison, Jennifer Garner, Jessica Simpson 7) Who from dating's p1 dated a nice person? Ben Aflec, Puff Daddy 8) The table nice has a stupid schema. Write me a new 'create table' that would make a table with better types.