Wed Jan 12 -- syllabus. Install PyCharm (community, free edition). What is Python. What is a project. Hello world in Python. Setting variables. Strings vs ints vs floats. For loops. First Programs.
Thr Jan 13 -- Python lists and List HW
Fri Jan 14 -- Python functions.
Fri Jan 21 -- Sorting a list of lists
Mon Jan 24 -- Math/stat functions in Python.. Correlation in python (with installing numpy) Patterns in Python.
Wed Jan 26 -- Quiz
Thr Jan 27 -- First quiz and Code for the answer and Read the fortune 500. First graph ever
Mon Jan 31 -- Functions to write.
Mon Feb 7 -- Write binary search solve the function. Write count-down-by-three game. Sorting a list of lists. Homework!.
Thr Feb 9 -- Numpy!!! and Numpy #2 and Reading a dta frame and Converting a data frame to a numpy array. Example code and Numpy magic
Fri Feb 10 -- Best fit line fixed
Mon Feb 14 -- Students use code to explore some other data file. (1) Make it work (2) Convert somthing (made to a log(n)) (3) Filter something (4) draw several fits on the same graph
Wed Feb 16 - Homework: Plot some lines
Mon Feb 21 -- Luckiest coin problem solved several ways
Wed Feb 23 -- Zombie Attack
Mon Mar 4 -- Graphics Video. Graphics code!. Graphics docs
Thr Mar 10 -- Bouncing Ball
Mon Mar 14 -- Lunar Lander Assignment Artillery Game
Wed Apr 6 -- Files including copy-the-file (read), count-the-lines (readline), sort-the-file, count-the-word-frequency(dict), append-the-files (glob), split-the-lines-based-on-first-char, filter-out-bads.
Mon Apr 11 -- Counting things in files.
Wed Apr 13 -- Count the words (the last assignment).
Mon Apr 18 -- Parse the file Kai's Wordle thing Wordle's dictionary