Wed Jan 18 -- syllabus. Install PyCharm (community, free edition). What is Python. What is a project. Hello world in Python. Setting variables. Strings vs ints vs floats. For loops. First Programs.
Thr Jan 19 -- Python lists and List HW
Mon Jan 24 -- Party Planner.
Wed Jan 26 -- File open. Split. The password file.
Fri Jan 27 -- While loops. Write the hi-low guessing game
Fri Feb 10 -- Python functions.
Wed Feb 15 -- Bouncing Ball
Mon Feb 20 -- documents.
Wed Mar 1 -- Midterm Review. Questions from the last midterm (ignore the 'class' stuff). Some more Sample Questions.
Thr Mar 2 -- Midterm!
Mon Mar 13 -- REGEX.
Wed Mar 15 -- Python regex. User check assignment
Mon Apr 3 -- Company Analyze Assignment.
Mon Apr 24 -- Flask Tutorial for fun! Map-Quiz. Wed Apr 26 -- Review for final exam.