This is the syllabus for Honors 201.
Dr. Josh Thompson | Campus Office - JAMR 2226 | zoom | email
Course Webpage
We will read the books Journey through Genius, Everything & More and The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Office Hours
Grade = .5(W) + .2(C) + .3(P)
Each week students take turns leading class discussion on the assigned reading. After class discussion, students formulate written respones to these (and other) questions. We'll call these written assignments "reading reflections".
- Reading refletions:
- The questions can be found on the Assignments page.
- Submit a Google Doc here.
- I will use this rubric when grading your Reading Reflections.
- Class Participation:
- Both your role as lead and class member will contribute to this score.
- These are the expectations for you as lead.
- As a class member you are expected to participate in class discussion.
- Timeline:
- Sunday: Submit written responses to the assigned discussion questions on the assigned reading.
- Tuesdays: Lead students bring 3+ questions to class for discussion.
- Thursdays: Lead students continue to facilitate discussion. Any additions to the week's writing assignment are given.
- You are welcome to work with your classmates on your assignments but your final writeup must be your own.
Final Exam Date
Final Project
In lieu of a final exam, you will complete a final project. Here are details of the project.
(A list of sources (at least two), with descriptions of why you're using them)
- 10 points : Submitted paper topic on time
- 15 points : Submitted annotated bibliogrphy on time
- 25 points: Paper exposition
- 50 points: Paper content
Laptops & Phones
Do not use your laptop, phone or electronic media device in class unless instructed to do so.
Other Resources
- Math History People
- Bill Cherowitzo
- David Joyce
Learning Outcomes
Evaluation of these learning outcomes will be done through a mix of assignments, class exercises, projects and research papers.
Course Description
- Week 1
- Introductions
- Week 2 [Naseem | Dellaunna | Emily]
- Cardano & the Solution of the Cubic (1545) : Dunham - Chapter 6
- Kuhn - Chapter 1
- Week 3 [ Autumn | Katie ]
- A Gem from Isaac Newton (Late 1660s) : Chapter 7
- Kuhn : Chapter 2
- Week 4 [ Marina | Gabriel | Mary ]
- Bernoullis & the Harmonic Series (1689) : Chapter 8
- Kuhn : Chapter 3
- Week 5 [ Jaycee | Jenna | Andrew ]
- The Extraordinary Sums of Leonhard Euler (1734) : Chapter 9
- Kuhn : Chapter 4
- Week 6 [ Kate | Keegan | Carli ]
- A Sampler of Euler's Number Theory (1736) : Chapter 10
- Kuhn : Chapter 5
- Week 7 [ Jaymes | Audrey ]
- Kuhn : Chapters 6-7
- Week 8 [ Naseem | Dellaunna | Emily]
- Kuhn : Chapters 8-9
- Week 9 [ Autumn | Katie | Kate C]
- DFW: pp. 1-50
- Kuhn - Chapter 10
- Week 10 [ Marina | Gabriel | Mary ]
- DFW : pp. 51-100
- Kuhn : Chapter 11
- Week 11 [ Jaycee | Jenna | Andrew ]
- DFW : pp. 101-150
- Kuhn : Chapter 12
- Week 12 [ Kate | Keegan | Carli ]
- DFW : pp. 151-200
- Kuhn : Chapter 13
- Week 13 [ Jaymes | Audrey ]
- DFW : pp. 201-250
- The Non-Denumerability of the Continuum (1874) : Chapter 11
- Week 14
- DFW : pp. 251-300
- Cantor and the Transfinite Realm : Chapter 12
- Presentations
University Policies
Academic Honesty: Cheating is not only unethical and pathetic, but is a violation of the Northern Michigan University Student Code and University Policy and grounds for your dismissal from the University.
Discrimination & Harassment: Northern Michigan University does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, height, weight, martial status, handicap/disability, sexual orientation or veteran status. If you have a civil rights inquiry, contact the Affirmative Action Office at 906-227-2420.
Americans with Disabilities Act Statement: If you have a need for disability-related accommodations or services, please inform the Coordinator of Disability Services in the Dean of Students Office at 2001 C. B. Hedgcock Building (227-1737 or Reasonable and effective accommodations and services will be provided to students if requests are made in a timely manner, with appropriate documentation, in accordance with federal, state, and University guidelines.
The Registrar: Withdrawing from any course or any matters relating to registration are the responsibility of the student. For more information regarding this topic, check out the Registrars Website.