Wed Jan 16 -- syllabus. Install PyCharm (community, free edition). What is Python. What is a project. Hello world in Python. Setting variables. F strings in Python. Strings vs ints vs floats. if statements. For loops. While loops. First Programs.
Thr Jan 17 -- Guessing game in Python with random numbers. Adding "Here are your guesses so far".
Mon Jan 22 -- Python lists
Tue Jan 23 -- List HW
Wed Jan 24 -- Python functions. List functions to write.
Thr Jan 25 -- I write drunken sailor. You do Party planner assignment.
Tue Jan 30 -- Quiz
Wed Jan 31 -- Read file. Split. A password file.
Mon Feb 5 -- Car data with questions how many cars, how many cars with 8 cyl, heaviest car, best acceleration
Tue Feb 6 -- Data analysis and State capitals
Mon Feb 12 -- Analyze This data. Data files with multi lines per record.
Tue Feb 13 -- QUIZ over things like this and more.
Mon Feb 19 -- More dictionary work. Count each name in this file Put the count in order.
Wed Feb 21 -- REGEX.
Thr Feb 22 -- Python regex.
Mon Feb 26 -- Files and directories including os.listdir, glob.glob, and os.path.isdir os.path.isfile. Count the number of files in your home folder. Find the biggest file using os.stat().
Wed Feb 28 -- How to get the size of a file. How to delete a file/folder(quick).(more words). What if permissions are wrong. Using a try/except. How to write to a file. How to get the time of a file.
Mon Mar 11 -- Practice quiz.
Tue Mar 12 -- Real quiz
Mon Mar 17 -- Graphics!
Wed Mar 20 -- Graphics docs. Bouncing Ball.
Mon Apr 1 -- Try and Except. Web Checker Assignment
Mon Apr 15 -- os.walk (again) and Copying files and shutil.copy vs shutil.copy2 and os.makedirs and Rsync in python.
Wed Apr 17 -- Diff assgnment.