Josh Thompson
Research Interests
Geometry, topology and their applications
Math Education
Visualizing Topology
Visualizing Data
Geometric and topological data analysis
Algorithms on manifolds
Anomaly detection algorithms
Master's Thesis I've Advised
Visualizing Geometric Structures on Topological Surfaces
Quandles that are Knot Quandles
Plumbing the Depths of the Shallow End: Exploring Persistent Homology Using Small Data
Reading List
Masters Thesis Ideas
Software and Algorithms
R for MATLAB users
TDA in R
Matrix Algebra in R
MASS - Modern Applied Statistics in S
Papers and Preprints
Pseudo Isometric Surgery with Matt Clay, under review
Collapsing Maps & Quasi-Isometries. with undergraduate Davin Hemmila
Computing Geographic Distances. with undergraduate Chase Ashby. Mathematical Spectrum Vol. 48, No. 3, April 2016
iMath: Digital Images Modeled with Matrices. International Research in Education Vol. 3 No. 1, March 2015.
Evaluating Several Different Web Prediction Algorithms. Proc. of the ISCA 29th Int. Conf. on Computers and Their Applications, CATA 2014.
Identity Maps and their extensions on Parameter Spaces: Applications to anomaly detection in video, with K. Wang, M. Kirby and C. Peterson. [Proceedings of the Science and Information Conference (SAI), pp 345-351, 2015 DOI: 10.1109/SAI.2015.7237167 ]
Accurate Fault Prediction of BlueGeneP RAS Logs Via Geometric Reduction [.pdf] Proc. of IEEE/IFIP International Conference on DSN, 2010.
Graftings of Complex Projective Structures with Schottky Holonomy [.pdf] Geometriae Dedicata: Volume 166, Issue 1 (2013), Page 203-232.